Thursday, July 10, 2008

New sporadic zombie virus outbreaks

Looks like more reason to be aware:

What this article details is sudden breakouts of a human brain disease similar to mad cow. Now, admittedly this variant may not pose a threat, but if a more mad-cow-esque version began to randomly infect people, we might have a problem. People could become enRAGEd.

Especially if it were transmitted through blood and saliva.

And if it were in London.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Severed appendages found on Scottish beach

Children find woman's head on beach

Another severed hand found on Scottish beach

These bizarre occurrences can be construed as merely the actions of a deranged killer or killers. In fact, that is what these articles tend to lead you to believe. We here at the ZNN don't say that these articles are absolute, die-hard facts regarding the undead, but attempt to sift possibilities from the facts given. This may actually be the act of simple murder.

But one must wonder...why decapitation? It is no hidden fact that decapitation is an effective method of stopping a zombie. Why decapitate someone on a beach? Unless the beach was simply a drop-off point (which makes one wonder why, of all places, someone would choose a beach) then there was apparently a struggle sufficient enough for the attacker to sever the head. One has to ask, why? Decapitation is relatively rare in violent encounters, so one must assume that this was a special case. Could the "victim" have been an undead and the attacker merely someone who recognized the threat for what it really was? No official autopsy report has been released.

On the subject of the severed hand, even in the case of an undead attack, why sever the hand? Was it done in an attempt to escape the clammy hands which would inexorably pull the unready into the jaws of certain death? This question may never been fully answered, but one thing is for certain: Scottish readers, be on the lookout for more strange activity and keep your weapons oiled and ready. The consistency of the beach areas may imply a ghoul has shambled up from beneath the waves and is ready to begin its assault upon the living. In the event of an outbreak, rely on what training you have had up until this point and always, always be prepared.


Thursday, April 3, 2008


Dear citizens.

It is a well-known fact that the single greatest threat to humanity is the threat of the undead. Sadly, most governments and organizations will refuse to acknowledge the existence of these somnambulists, even going so far as to attempt covering up their existence in the form of altered news articles. Therefore, as private citizens, we must search for these clues ourselves.

My name is Joseph. Having seen this threat for what it is, I, along with a group of close friends and colleagues including my friend Esten and my brother Justin, have chosen to shoulder this burden of uncovering possible links to the undead for you, the reader.

Forewarning, the ability to recognize a threat for what it is and plan ahead, is humanity's greatest weapon against the undead. With this in mind, let us be your eyes and ears. Allow our efforts to put possible outbreaks on your radar. As with any disease, early warning is the most effective method of containment and treatment. In the words of famous expert Max Brooks, let us organize before they rise.